Congratulations on Your Promotion or New Job!


Personal Excellence After Promotion

Learn why ACING YOU in the first 90 days is so important to your career success—and how you need to develop your own strategy!


You have been promoted or you have been offered the dream leadership position in a new organization.You have probably gone through rounds and rounds of interview to land on this offer. Maybe it has been a journey for you. Maybe it has been a decision that you have been pondering about it for quite some time and have finally decided to make the leap. Maybe you were looking for a fresh start to bring your ideas, talent, and experience to a new environment.

A promotion marks the result of years of hard work to persuade influential people in the organization that you’re willing and able to move to the next level. It also can be the result of your courage to move to a new organization to tackle on new responsibilities and experience a higher organizational role. In any case, it marks the beginning of a new journey.

What ever the case might be, you have made it.

You have landed on this new position.

You know that after the initial excitement dies down, it is time to roll up your sleeves and get ready to prove yourself in your new position.


Simply because you are in transition.

You are in transition because your role is shifting. You are in transition because with new job you have new responsibilities. You are in transition because you will be working in a different environment or reporting to a new boss. Sometimes it transition and Encompasses all of these questions!

Regardless of the type of transition, it is a crucial time for you. Impressing your manager, colleagues, peers within the first 90 days is not only essential for your success in the current role but it also paves the way for how you feel in that organization for the rest of your tenure in that place.

You must figure out what it takes to be excellent in the new role, how to exceed the expectations of those who promoted you, and how to position yourself for still greater things. Specifically, every promotion presents new leaders with a core set of challenges to be surmounted.

It might sound a bit scary but fear not.

We as humans undergo transitions in life often.

The only constant in life is change.

It is not as hard and scary as it sounds if you have a sounding board beside you to bounce off ideas off of and to prepare your own strategy to ace yourself.

That is where I come in.

Together we plan for your transition.

Let me share a familiar story with you:

"Who are you?” said the Caterpillar.…

“I—I hardly know, Sir, just at present,” Alice replied rather shyly, “at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then.”

—Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

If you're curious about what kind of situations might arise, I give you an example.

We as humans have a tendency to gravitate towards the parts of the job that the enjoy and be feel we are good at. Hence, we end up focusing on those parts of the job and ignoring the parts that we dislike or simply we do not feel to be as good at them.

What can be the result in your opinion?

You will get caught in your own blind spots.

You will go better and better in the areas that you are strong in them and ignore more and more what you're not good at them. It is my job to see if this is happening to you and how we can build the balance in you to become more well-rounded with your skill set.

Do you now understand how crucial it is to have an experienced sounding board who have been in your shoes by your side?

Yes it is easy to get trapped in our own blind spots.

This is only one example.

There there other traps that anyone can experience during the transition at work.

Now it is more than ever important to consider these traps when undergoing transitions.

It's because, right now, it seems like things are too stressful and chaotic to find any balance or stay positive.

Listen to the news, and you're convinced the world is about to end.

Believe me, I'm as frustrated about the restrictions and lockdowns and the damn virus as the next guy.

But all that stuff?

You can't control any of it.

What you can control is how you show up in your NEW role as a leader...both at work (whether remotely or slowly getting back into the office) AND at home with your family. Yes, you heard me right. We need that balance here.

Together we build a road map to support you through this transitional journey.

Here is a checklist of some areas that we will focus on to support ACING YOU:

  • Understanding the possible opportunities and risks for the first 90 days. We develop your own opportunity road map as well as your personalized risk mitigation plan.
  • A plan to promote yourself.
  • Assessment of your relationship with vulnerability and how you can use that.
  • Developing a road map and definition of what success means in this new role.
  • Learn about alignment and how you can build your own alignment strategy.
  • Develop a routine that allows you to develop calm, focus and, clarity.
  • Define what your ideal team looks like and how you can move about assembling the team.
  • Learn about coalition and how to define and build strategy coalitions
  • Learn how to build a plan for balance to avoid burnout and make sure your energy level is sustained.

Can you connect with any of these scenarios?

Have you lost sleep over any of these as you found out how crucial these are to your career success?

There’s no doubt if you’ve been in the workplace for more than a couple of years, you’ve realized the importance of one or many of the items in the above checklist!

That is why it is so vital that you build the right foundation for yourself at the beginning of a transition.

Planning will make a profound difference in your career—you owe it to yourself and the people you work with to take action!

About Kathy

Kathy Hadizadeh, MSc, PCC, EQAC, BPC is the founder of Heart Mind Tuning Corporation in Los Angeles and a former IT executive.

Heart Mind Tuning is a coaching and consulting agency focused on human capital performance development and optimization through utilizing neuroscience, technology, and data.

She is a certified integral life, leadership, and executive development coach by New Ventures West. Kathy is also a certified neuroscience based emotional intelligence and mindful leadership consultant by Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI).

To bring the power of technology to her coaching clients, she is certified by 6Seconds; an organization that uses the power of AI to build emotional intelligence reports for leadership development, assessing brain capabilities, and doing 360s.

Kathy is on the board of International Coaching Federation, Los Angeles chapter and strives to bring education to coaches and elevate the culture of coaching in organizations.

In her 15-year tenure with corporate world, she has worked for several fortune 100 & 500 companies like DIRECTV, AT&T, Yellow Pages, Westfield, and Omnicom exposing her to ins and outs of various industries: Manufacturing, Entertainment, Marketing and Advertising, Property Management, and Financial industry.

Using her background in systems thinking and her track record in mind body connection, Kathy developed PAUSE to RISE™ method and a movement that amplify effectiveness of leaders and boosts innovation in teams.

What is my promise to you?

You will see how it is possible to gain skills that enable you to more appropriately respond to the world around you and eliminate the stress and frustration that often come from transitioning into a new leadership role!

Program Format:

  • 12 one -on-one sessions over a period of 120 days!
  • Checklist and plans to ensure that you keep track of progress in different areas
  • A mix of coaching and business consulting based on real world experiences and examples
  • Assessments offered
  • Access to personalized portal to track your success


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